“Following a mastectomy in October 2017, I experienced wound complications. A seroma followed by a bleed meant delayed wound healing. By the time I had completed 15 sessions of Radiotherapy my chest wall was burnt, sore and angry. I couldn’t even bare a sheet to touch me.

I asked the Radiotherapy team on several occasions if they knew of a skincare product that could help me. I was advised that no one product was better than another. Although their advise was given in good faith, I now know this to be incorrect.

By chance my Breast Surgeon suggested trying “the little pot of sunflower cream” because of the success reported from other patients. I purchased and couldn’t wait to try.

I can now tell you that the little pot of sunflower cream was like magic! Overnight the redness lessened, my skin felt soothed, calm and less itchy. As the days went by my results got better and better!”

I continue to receive targeted Antibodies on a three weekly basis. A side affect is dry itchy skin, patches of eczema and topical rashes. The My Trusty Body Butter has replaced my use of steroids and is keeping my skin itch free and healthy! Thank you Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust for these amazing products.


To hear more about Lindsey’s story, view her video below.

* New packaging since 2022